

Stories and poems for the anthology.

A journey that includes or involves Folkestone set in any period of time and written in any genre. Stories or poems, with a word count of up to 3,000 words. Any photos to be in black and white and jpeg format, please note that they will be reduced in size for the book. Closing date 31st August 2022 All submissions are to be sent to Debby at

All about us


To provide a safe, inclusive and constructive environment for local writers to share and discuss their work.

We meet twice a month on a Thursday evening at 6.00 pm, our venue for the group meetings is Anna’s which opens just for us so as a thank you, we purchase drinks and food if required from the bar to consume during the evening. Our events are held here as well at 7pm.

Our group meeting includes a catch-up of all bookish news, competitions, events, submissions and writing-related opportunities. A group exercise is given by one of our members, which is normally a fun way to get your brain thinking about words, sentences and writing. A sharing of work for general discussion and constructive feedback for the writer. Planning for future events. There is also a book swap at Anna’s. 

We then have an event given by an author, illustrator, journalist, critic, poet, writer, publisher or anyone that is local to Folkestone and Kent in the book industry of some description. The talk is about an hour then we have a Q&A session for everyone to participate in. We have a day each week to meet and write, anyone can pop along to these, bring your notebook or laptop to get some words down.  

There is no charge for our events, everyone is welcome plus we are very friendly. Our members have produced two anthologies with the next published in May 2023 they are all available on Amazon. 

Our dream would be to build a community of ‘bookish’ people and offer Writing Retreats in Folkestone.



Write By The Sea had a wonderful evening on Thursday, with local crime writer Charlie Gallagher. After quite a few years as a serving police officer, Charlie is living the dream and writing full time. What did we cover? It would probably be easier to ask what we DIDN’T cover, but to give you a flavour…life as an author with and without a literary agent, the process of editing (not to be confused with proof reading), Point of View and Narrative Voice, genre and getting your books onto Audible, which is a rapidly growing sector of the market. Watch out for future Write By The Sea events.

I would like to take this opportunity of thanking The Grand for allowing us to hold our events in their spacious Tudor room. All our events will now be here, starting at 7pm. You may bring your own refreshments but tea and coffee will be available for a donation if possible.



Topic: Write By The Sea 13th Jan
Time: Jan 13, 2022 07:00 PM London

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I know sometimes the holidays can get a bit boring if you are on your own or not seeing many visitors or even just missing doing what you love…….writing!

I have an exercise for the ones that would like to do something creative, this is, as always, a choice so stay calm and just write. Even if you don’t have time to edit, that’s ok as you are writing and that’s what you love to do.

These three photos are the prompts so pick one of them and write something, this can be a story, poem or prose but no more than roughly 2,000 words.  If you are a planner of any sort could we see your planning when you read the story to us, this is optional but might give someone a helping hand or ideas of how they could plan a story. Or do you want to try planning? This is a good place to have a go, as I am sure we will have a good Q&A when we read the stories, which will be on the 13th January 2022.

For the illustrator’s, would you combine these photos for a book cover or just use one? Describe how you would go about doing a front cover using these pictures, you will have to make up the genre or title so we know how the cover goes with the story. 

Have fun, we look forward to reading some in the new year.



On the 9th December from 6pm, we will be having our end-of-year celebration with a Christmas buffet. Everybody is welcome including partners and if you are thinking about joining the group then pop along and meet us all during a relaxed and friendly evening. There will be a nominal charge per person which Matt is working out from The Hideaway.

The members will each be writing a verse for a Christmas card which we will share during the evening.

Our two anthologies will be for sale, Ghosts By The Sea and Doorways To The Sea also if any members would like to bring a couple of their own books so others can see what they have done and buy them or get the link from yourselves then that would be great.

This will be a good time to get to know others from the group and maybe discuss any ideas for next year.




Our next group meeting is on the 4th November starting at 6pm for people to get a drink, network and eat, then we start the meeting about 6.45

Our topic for the evening is emotions, the task set by Andy will be to write about 100 words transferring from one emotion to another. If you use any books like the one above please bring them along to share with your work.

See you on the 4th.