Author event 2019, Events




During the build-up to the author event last week I took two authors into Academy FM to have a chat with Kay.

Kate Abley has written her first book called Changing the subject, which she very kindly gave me a copy of so it is on my list to read. Then from Ashford, we have Drew Wagar who is on his ninth book! You can read more about each author under the event tab.

Very good show so I will be putting up on here later in the week, I was the only one that messed up as usual.


I loved the signs that Rosie did from The Chambers and they certainly pulled in the crowds.

I will be doing a post about each author that attended the event over the next month if it makes you wish you had been there then make sure you put it in your diaries for next year. I had no thoughts about doing this again but I have been asked by everybody who came also Chris and Liz from The Chambers. It was an excellent venue with more authors popping up around each corner downstairs. So it looks like I will be hosting another ‘Meet the author’ event in 2020!


I had many thank you’s and I would like to share a selection with you, as without the authors I could not have accomplished this. At least next year I know all what to do and what worked well, maybe I will practise the poster making on Canva a bit more! lol


Thank you to everyone who came to the event, see you next year.




Please do come along today to meet 37 yes 37 authors who will be downstairs in The Chambers from 2 pm until 6 pm

You can talk to them, buy their books which they will sign for you so it makes it a really nice Christmas present for the bookworm.

How about asking them how they got into writing, have you ever wanted to write a book? Then please do pop along and they will answer all your questions.

When you enter you will be given a raffle ticket for free! During the afternoon about every twenty minutes there will be a ticket drawn and you can pick your prize, there will be some great books and things to choose from.

This event has been put on by Chris & Liz from The Chambers, Karen’s World and Write By The Sea.



Next year we will be having our meetings at The Hideaway in Folkestone with the first one of the year on Thursday 9th January at 6.30 pm please do come along if you are anything to do with books, especially writing them.





A stay in The Hospital
The latest book from Folkestone-based poet and filmmaker Ben Barton is The Hospital. Launched at the Folkestone Book Festival last year, this collection of poems tells the story of his admittance into hospital, and the experiences he had there. Made up of 45 individual poems, it could be considered one long poem, detailing life on an NHS ward while drugged on morphine and floating on the road to recovery.
Throughout the daily humiliations and the public spectacle of the sick and the dying, there are sparks of hope: a nip of whisky from another patient’s hip flask, the cries of a newborn from down the corridor, and one last meal, jab, swab before leaving.
The Hospital has been widely praised by many on the poetry scene for its honest, unflinching look at life on today’s wards in Brexit Britain.
“This collection brims with curiously sensitive glances at those who society would rather have us forget or ignore, shifting seamlessly between the bleak and restorative.”  – Anthony Anaxagorou, poet and artistic director of Out-Spoken.
“Ben Barton sets the power of the poet, the power of words to create order and meaning out of a potentially humiliating experience. He offers a special insight into the nature of suffering and being human, and the hopes that sustain us.” – Richard Swan, author of Melody’s Unicorn (2018) and former Ashford Poet of the Year.
Turning an unflinching gaze on the experience of illness and a prolonged stay in hospital, The Hospital connects with the humanity, horror and grace under pressure of both patients and staff. In a beautiful collection that is not without humour, Ben Barton shows that his formidable poetry gifts were not allowed to lie idle in that hospital bed.” – Patric Cunnane, poet and organiser of Dodo Modern Poets.
About the Author
Ben Barton grew up on the Romney Marsh in Kent. His poems have been published in Chroma, The Coffee House, Iota, The Journal, Neon Highway, Pulsar, Snakeskin, South, Time Haiku and Zygote in My Coffee, among others. Nominated for the Canterbury Poet of the Year Award and the erbacce-prize, he works as a professional copy and travel writer. Also a film artist, Ben’s film Stella Erratica was funded by the late David Bowie, and premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. He lives in Folkestone with his husband and son, beside the beautiful North Downs.
Ben will be attending the ‘Local Books’ event and signing copies of The Hospital.





My name is Carol Grimes, the name under which I have sung since the late sixties. My name: I chose it. I chose The Singer’s Tale  because of Geoffrey Chaucer, who wrote his Tales in his wanderings from Southwark to Canterbury. I have lived both north and south of the River Thames and now on the coast in Kent near Canterbury. He wrote about Cooks and Friars, Lawyers, Nuns and Millers but not of Singers, so here is a Singer’s Tale. He didn’t write one so I have done it; how presumptuous of me! I was born in 1944 in South East London, when bombs were falling from the skies: there were no Bananas, and radio was the music and the word. Not much song for me in those days, but in 1959 I fell in love with Ray Charles. It was Margie Hendricks roaring out the chorus of Night Time is the Right Time’ on a  Juke Box on a Pier in Lowestoft Suffolk. It made me wanna holler, made me wanna sing and the voice of Ella Fitzgerald singing Every time we say goodbye. touched me deeply. These early Musical memories and the voices of women the like of which I had never heard before, strong powerful and full of passion, giving me a life long love of the Jazz and Blues, melody, rhythm and improvisation.

My singing didn’t start during childhood and adolescence ,but once I opened my mouth I couldn’t stop. I became addicted, addicted to the feeling, the soaring and roaring feeling inside my Belly. A release, a Catharsis? Whatever it was I loved it.  

Singing in the streets of London as a Busker, first as a Bottler for  an Accordion Player called Paris Nat, and then along the South coast in the mid 1960s working with assorted guitar and harmonica players until I joined my first band called The Race. The Singers Tale weaves its stories, sometimes shady, mad and bad with music, song and London at its heart. Singing in the Streets as a Busker to Ronnie Scotts Jazz Club in Soho and the concert Halls of the South Bank, from Nashville back to All Saints Road near Westbourne Grove, San Francisco back to Bethnal Green, to Eastern Europe and beyond and always returning to London.

Written looking back from the Millennium Years to early days in the 1940s and 1950s as a child in South East London, then always moving; from London to Weymouth and back again, to Lowestoft, Norwich and Cambridge, Tunbridge Wells then finally returning to London. My first sixteen years of life, many schools, many moves, failing the 11+ and off to Secondary Modern school leaving just before my 15th Birthday which fell during the Easter Holiday.

1963 to 1979 Bed-Sit rooms, shared flats and Sofas, in Earls Court, Fulham, Chiswick, Chelsea and then to The Grovein West London in 1966. The early days of the Hippy invasion of the Balearic Islands, long before the rave, club scene it has since become. Living in a caravan in the Welsh Countryside, a little shack on stilts on the banks of the Sacramento River in the Bay Area of Northern California, in Texas and Tennessee and an Island in the winter, north of Stockholm, touring Poland and Estonia before the wall came down in East Germany, the old USSR was dismantled and the Big Boot removed from its occupied Eastern European countries.

Living in 8a All Saints Road in North Kensington from the late 1960s within the heart of the Caribbean community I saw first hand the harassment they endured. By then, in my 20’s  I had begun to understand that Woman struggled more than Man, on the whole, she seemed to be considered less than. She had to work harder in order to be heard. Unwelcome attention from Men in the Music Business who appeared to be more interested in my Breasts than my Voice. If I had Sex with these men there were no end of promises of a glittering career, money and Fame.

I became an activist. The first Musician to step up for Rock against Racism and then against Sexism, Reclaim the night. I sang for the striking Miners and the Brunswick Women. I became angry, seeing injustice, poverty and cruelty all around me. I was nicknamed by some of my friends as Benefit Bertha.

Married twice, the first to Larry Smart, an artist, the second to Maciek Hrybowicz, a Musician.

Both marriages gave me my children, first a Son then 20 years later a Daughter. Coming from a background that was at best bleak, I had to learn to be a Motherfortunately my love for them was immediate and strong. My lack of formal education made me realise that the uneducated woman has even more of a  struggle to be taken seriously. I read ferociously, and wanted to write, but for many years my jottings were hidden in boxes or still inside my head. In my early 30s I thought, ‘Sod it ‘ and began to write for myself. Songs, Poems anything that needed to emerge, anything I needed to say. I loved the writing as much as the Singing.

My story is of a child, an adolescent, Mother, a Singer and an observer of human kind. In my later years I have worked with people with Neurological conditions, singing in choirs. Run workshops for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds for The Princes Trust and Rock School. I sang, toured and recorded for 12 years with a 16 piece Contemporary Opera Choral Group called The Shout. I write about the music I love, from Folk to Blues, Rock to Jazz and even Stories about the musicians I sang with, the adventures away from home, recording in London, Nashville, Memphis, Stockholm, The Isle of Jura. An organic career, that is to say mainly unguided, unmanaged and sometimes dubious decisions were made, but I never regret, although I  often fly by the seat my best M&S Pants, often broke, but singing gave me a life. Being a Musician is not just the preserve of the educated, I can still sing, do sing, but I am dealing with ageism in later  lifetoo old to sing? Not this old Gal, not until I croak.

It was during the 1980s that I felt the compulsion to make sense of this life of mine. Thoughts fed through into the lyrics I was singing, and I was asked to do two shows about my life, Lipstick and Lights followed by  Day Dreams and Danger. These shows meant writing prose as well as verse. The audience at the Drill Hall loved them, and they were well reviewed. Suddenly I felt that the book that was starting to sing inside me was something I could really write and in spare moments the writing began to emerge. Not just about me and my world of music, but also about the London I lived in and loved, and about how during the 1970s political activism and music joined forces.

Recently, other books appeared about these times in which I played a part, but all from a man’s perspective. At last I was goaded into getting my book into shape and seeking a publisher.

Looking back at the child and the young woman I became is like looking back at a stranger. Throughout my life, a cast of others has gathered in my innards, voices with distinct roles. We are all aware of our various personalities, the Work Hat, the Home Hat and many more. I use these others to speak my Tale from my birth up to the Millennium Years. From the Year 2000 I write with my own voice, and attempt tell them all to butt out. Procrastinating Patsy, Nasty Nelly, The Boss, Misery Ivy and Betty BluesBelter a Pale Mouse called Frank and a few more of them: it was very busy inside my head on occasions. I put this Singer’s Tale alongside my music, because as I write it all down, it feels like a song; my song, with many verses. Each written Verse has music at its heart and I sing in my head as I write, a drum and a voice as I tap out my story.




Sophie & Scott Wyllie, living and working in Folkestone as an Artist and music producer, have collaborated to create something that has provided them with a keystone in discovering their highest potential. Before they met, experiences of domestic abuse and mental health concerns caused disconnection in their lives.  having been together for five years supporting each other, Sophie & Scott have uniquely documented how they’ve helped themselves and now share their story with the purpose for others to benefit, whatever their personal circumstance.

This book has been created from the collective consciousness of the authors by writing two words each at a time. The artwork throughout the book is an extension of the written message portrayed. A different perspective’ can be read as a whole or can be opened to read any page, or two, at a time; either method providing a versatile resource for enlightenment.

If you are interested in finding out more about a different perspective, please visit us at





Colette Kebell is an eclectic author, though a relatively new one and thus far has self-published her books. Her books are light-hearted, fun and quirky and even considered by some to be inspirational.  She publishes mostly for the English speaking market and the Italian one.  Colette Kebell does not stick to just one genre when writing though, as you shall discover from her latest book to be launched on 5th April 2019

As a career, Colette spent her later years as a legal secretary. After a first attempt at writing many years ago (a book that still remains in her drawer) she resumed this passion a few years back, after being made redundant.  After few book signing events and a book talk, which almost caused her to collapse with nerves, Colette now spends her time between her home in the UK and her home in France.

Colette has two adorable dogs and, when not writing and marketing her books, she likes cooking for herself and her husband, gardening or designing various items for their home.  Among her other hobbies, she has also experimented with furniture upholstery, and she might, from time to time, have a paintbrush in her hand.

She can be found on twitter @ColetteKebell though doesn’t tweet a vast amount.







I write song lyrics, Poetry, spoken word and story telling. I am local , living in Folkestone for the past 7 years and have been writing stuff since the last century!   Some of which has been collected, tidied up and published in a paperback format entitled “Who the  ?  is Dave Stone? I perform regularly, mostly in Open Mike venues and am always looking for new outlets to take my work.






Come and meet our local best selling author Charlie Gallagher at the above event, he will be answering questions and signing his books, which I have to say are brilliant and you can read all the reviews on my blog Karen’s World here.

See you there  x





Colin Bateman is a newspaper journalist by trade having spent more than 30 years covering sport for a variety of national newspapers including the Daily Express, the Guardian, the Telegraph and Times.

Principally a Cricket Correspondent, he became an Olympic Correspondent for the London 2012 Games and Sochi 2014 before giving up the day job to spend more time at his home in Cranbrook, Kent, with his family, and to pursue his dream of writing novels. Beyond the Waves is his second.

The book, a modern-day thriller, is a complete departure from the subjectof sport. Set on the South Coast in Rye Harbour and the Channel Islands, the novel tells the story of an art gallery owner who sets out to discover her father’s dark past in World War II. Inspired by real events, the narrative weaves a remarkable story of heroism in the Nazi-occupied Channel Islands with a modern-daytale of a family under threat and seeking answers.

His first novel, A Dreadful Trade, is set on the south coast near Dover and Dungeness where a young photographer stumbles across a smuggling racket with deadly consequences.  
